The testing station will provide you with a vehicle licence application form to complete or you can. You will also need to return your old internal and external vehicle licence plates when collecting your new plates. More than 4,000 drivers will be eligible for a 100 support grant from. vets, dentists, doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors), Professional services (e.g. Businesses that have not been allowed to re-open since the original National Lockdown in March are entitled to receive the same payments as other businesses subject to Tier 2, Tier 3 or national restrictions from 1 November 2020. My Bill I Want to Pay my Bill I am Moving I want to Notify of a Death. Village halls & scout huts, cadet huts, etc. As well as . For more information visit, Have your say on the future of Crosby Coastal Park, Autumn edition of Aiming High for Disabled Children newsletter out now, How to get in and out of Liverpool during Lime Streets major upgrade 30 September 22 October, Who's In Court: Flytipping, dangerous animals and dog fouling, Maghull & Southport next venues for mobile coronavirus testing, Watch out for the tide - beach safety advice from Southport Lifeboat. At a meeting today, Sefton Council agreed a Council Tax rise of 2.99%, which will mean an extra 66p per week for Band A properties and an additional 88p weekly for properties in Band C. Resilient Afterwards, Sefton Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher said: "Thanks to careful management, the Council's finances remain resilient despite a [] This Wheelchair Service serves the registered population of, Southport and Formby localities of Southport, Ainsdale and Formby. We are making grant applications as simple and speedy as possible, but we must follow strict processes to avoid fraudulent claims. The Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grants (Expanded Scheme) will be open for applications that meet the eligibility criteria from11am on Monday 30 November 2020 and close at 5pm on Friday 11 December 2020. An application made during the grant application window does not guarantee approval for payment. Sefton businesses will be contacted directly to explain how they can receive their top-up if they were awarded grants in the previous two rounds. Those payments will be: The Local Restrictions Support Grant counts towards state aid limits. Last Updated on Friday, September 2, 2022, From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. More than 100 Sefton-based businesses applied during the initial grant application window at the beginning of November. This grant is NOT part of Business Rates or InvestSefton and therefore please do not call either of these teams if your query relates to this grant. solicitors, accountants, insurance agents / financial advisers,). Businesses that provide accommodation for 'away from home' stays for work or leisure purposes. You won't miss a thing. It has chosen to, rather than has been required to, close. The level of grant paid will depend on the rateable value of the business premises. Personal care facilities such as hair, beauty, tanning and nail salons. Call us Antrec: 01388 436262 . Community centres and halls must close except for a limited number of exempt activities, as set out below. Any supplier relief offered is conditional on suppliers agreeing to act and work on a total open book basis, with appropriate cost transparency in order that the Council can continue to meet its value for money obligations. Categories of businesses eligible to apply (for full details see guidance notes). 'We recognise the hardship our drivers have experienced due to coronavirus', Get the best local news with our Sefton newsletter. The Council has adopted Section 165 of the Equality Act which makes it an offence for drivers of designated vehicles to refuse to carry a passenger in a wheelchair unless that driver has a valid exemption. Payment in advance or interim payments where justifiable. This is an entirelyfreeprogramme of support. 10 There are two Magistrates Courts in Sefton. Exhibition centres including for use as banquet halls and other events, Amusement arcades including adult gaming centres. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Bootle Town Hall to Marriott Hotel Liverpool, Birkdale Station Southport to Central Avenue, Birkdale, Mons Public House, Bootle to Aintree Racecourse Main Entrance and more. VAT Registration Number if VAT registered. Eligible businesses will receive grants of up to 6,000 per hereditament. Liverpool City Region Care Providers Grant. Those payments will be: For the period 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020. The primary principle of the Restart Grant scheme is to support businesses that offer in-person services, where the main service and activity takes place in a fixed rate-paying premises, in the relevant sectors. Below are some key features of the Trading On Scheme. For the purposes of this grant, pubs should under normal circumstances (without local or national restrictions) be open to the general public, allow free entry other than when occasional entertainment is provided, allow drinking without requiring food to be consumed and permit drinks to be purchased at a bar, and under normal circumstances derive less than 50% of their income from food sales. You can request a copy of your bill to be sent to the contact address we already have on record. Businesses required to remain closed (from 16 February 2021 to 31 March 2021), Businesses that were instructed to close on 5 January 2021 will be eligible for a further support payment in the form of a Local Restrictions Support Grant for a period of 44 days as follows:-. Drive for Alpha now For more information please: Call us now on 0151 545 2028 Email Indicators that a business is trading are: This list of indicators is not exhaustive, and we may use our discretion to determine if a business is trading. For the purposes of this scheme, a hospitality business can be defined as a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink. Employ globally between 10 and 249 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) working at least 35 hours per week and are on payroll (sub-contracted staff are not counted towards the headcount). We have a small, dedicated team ensuring that business enquiries and grant applications can be reviewed as quickly as possible during this unprecedented period of demand. Indoor attractions at botanical gardens, heritage homes and landmarks must also close, though outdoor grounds of these premises can stay open. This data covers coronavirus grant schemes managed by local authorities on behalf of SMEs: Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant - closed March 2022. There are other newsletters available too if you want them as well. Any business or ratepayer falsifying their records, providing false evidence to gain this grant, including claiming support above the subsidy thresholds, who falsely applies for grant support, or provides false information or makes false representation in order to gain financial support may be guilty of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006 and may be subject to prosecution. just click on this link to our newsletter sign-up centre, ITV Loose Women's Carol McGiffin explains appearance change as fans concerned, The panelist lifted the lid on her "drama", Emmerdale fans taken aback as Lucy Pargeter shares real age, The Chas Dingle star has appeared in Emmerdale since 2002, Police appear to use emergency lights to pick up passengers from Lime Street, A private hire driver caught the incident on dashcam, Coronation Street character to look totally different in return to cobbles, It'll be the first time viewers have seen him in six years, Boy, 12, dies after family receive phone call at Center Parcs, Edward Hunstone was "one of a kind" and "touched so many hearts", Five DWP benefits and 10 medical conditions that give you free prescriptions, The current prescription charge is 9.35 per item, Aldi, Sainsbury's and Asda warning as products recalled from shops, Aldi, Sainsbury's and Asda have recalled items in recent weeks, Paedo answered door naked to schoolchildren after grooming them with vapes, Serial offender performed sex acts at his doorstep and sexually assaulted 12-year-old girl, Coronation Street's Brooke Vincent has trademark long hair chopped off, The former Corrie star has showed off a completely new look, Gogglebox fan 'obsessed' with dark Giles and Mary theory, The married couple have Gogglebox viewers in stitches on a weekly basis, What Jurgen Klopp said about Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane confirms Roberto Firmino's legacy at Liverpool. We will endeavour to process applications within. Extensive support system for drivers. The aim is that the funding will reach applicants within 10 working days of an application being approved, with payment by BACS (a BACS payment can take up to 3 days to be received). New tax regulations come into force on 4th April 2022, From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. The grant will support businesses that are able to continue trading through these difficult times, or that have been forced to close as part of the Governments Tier 3 Lockdown. You will be required to keep records of every journey and are responsible for ensuring that the journeys booked are completed. Well be working through your applications as fast as we can and you will be contacted by email when your application has been processed. You must complete the online application form in one session as it cannot be saved. To evidence the loss in sales/revenue of at least 40% and to show trading on or before 31 October 2020, a statement from a qualified, independent accountant using this attached proforma letter is required. be licensed as private hire or hackney carriage vehicles by Sefton Council. This should be interpreted as carrying on a trade or profession or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover. Call Dominique and Sharon on 0151 934 3452, email or follow us on Twitter @InvestSefton. Business subject to National Restrictions (from March 2020). Twice a day, seven days a week, we'll deliver the biggest stories straight to your inbox. We also appreciate that some suppliers may struggle to fully meet their full contractual obligations, and that we may need to alter our requirements, temporarily suspend some services, or change ways of working to do what is necessary for our community. We will, however, be required to complete some pre-payment checks to confirm that businesses remain eligible for the further payment. Once approved, the drivers will receive their grant within 5 working days. Due to a requirement by the Government to obtain more detailed information from applicants, and to conduct a greater level of pre-verification checks, it is anticipated that it will take 4-6 weeks to process applications. The information that will be requested in the form will include the following: Businesses may be requested to provide evidence in support of the application including evidence loss of turnover. Uber is suing Sefton Council in a landmark case that could see taxi fares across the country rise by 20%. Food kiosks and businesses whose main service is a takeaway (not applicable to those that have adapted to offer takeaways during periods of restrictions, in alignment with previous COVID-19 business grant schemes). . A business that was ordered to close due to national restrictions imposed during this period will be eligible to receive a payment for the whole period. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Sefton Council aims to. Sefton Council do not retain any lost property but if you are having difficulty getting items returned then please get in touch by using the online form in how to complain about a Sefton taxi and we may be able to help. For the purposes of this scheme (which is funded through the Additional Restrictions Grant or Local Restrictions Support Grant (Open)), a business is considered to be trading if it is engaged in business activity. The Government has provided Councils with guidance to provide a discretionary discount scheme for nurseries. Therefore, a further small pro-rata payment will be made for the 5 days from 31 December 2020 to 4 January 2021 in addition to any other payments due for other periods of closure. Be based and have commercial property-related costs in Liverpool City Region and be able to evidence 2021 annual rental costs and annual business rates (where applicable). A Small or Micro business as described under the Companies Act 2006: A Small Business must satisfy two or more of the following requirements in a year: Turnover not more than 10.2 million; Balance sheet total of not more than 5.1 million; Staff headcount of not more than 50. Sefton Council has two One Stop Shops located within the borough dealing with a range of face to face enquiries for many of our Council Services. This can be completed by your own registered GP or a GP who has access to your medical records (not needed for horse omnibus or pedicab driver licences), Your fees for the DBS check and DVLA referral, The details of the Sefton licensed Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Holder (Plate Number and address) that you intend to use, Valid current proof of Public Hire Insurance cover for the vehicle, The vehicle registration document (or bill of sale for recently purchased vehicles), The licence fee (this will vary depending on the licence type), A valid certificate of relevant insurance cover, Your Licence and Vehicle inspection fees (this will vary depending on licence type), A valid certificate of fitness issued by a specialist veterinary surgeon, for each horse that is to be used. Email the One Stop Shop (OSS) attaching a copy of the test certificate, V5, the vehicle insurance and the application form to. Announced on Thursday 28 January 2021, the Liverpool City Region confirmed that 10m in top-up grants would be made available for all 1,500 businesses supported by the first two rounds of the Liverpool City Regions emergency COVID-related support grants. All businesses must still be trading on 1 February 2021 i.e. More information about the scheme and how to apply is available here, and applications are open until Monday 14th February. Please note that the application window will close on 31 August 2022. All businesses/charities must meet all of the following criteria: Excluded from the Scheme are businesses or charities that: The final amount of grant awarded to each business under the Trading On Scheme will be determined by several factors, including: Where a business has multiple premises across the Liverpool City Region, the business should apply to the Local Authority where the highest number of employees work. Since launching the fund, we have received a wide range of questions from local businesses when they apply. For these purposes, the definition of a pub excludes: restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, hotels, snack bars, guesthouses, boarding houses, sporting venues, music venues, festival sites, theatres, museums, exhibition halls, cinemas, concert halls and casinos. The city's 3,886 licensed drivers rely on the previously booming hospitality, events and tourism sector for a lot of their income, and were hit hard earlier this year when it dried up overnight due to the lockdown. Those businesses that have applied for the Local Restrictions Support Grant as a result of Tier 3 restrictions do not need to re-apply for grants they are eligible for during National Lockdown restrictions. The United Kingdom remains bound by its international commitments, including subsidy obligations set out in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) with the EU. Please note: This scheme is now closed to new applications. You can apply if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working. Businesses will be required to make a declaration and to provide evidence that more than 50% of the business income is derived from a qualifying criteria. The Government has issued a range of restrictions since 14 October 2020. This is for your own security to prevent fraud. Please consult the checklist at the bottom of this page. not trading but not insolvent. The following details are the amounts to be paid for each period of the restrictions and how they will appear in your nominated bank account. Community Resilience Grant. For these purposes, the definition of a leisure business excludes: For the purposes of this scheme, an accommodation business can be defined as a business whose main lodging provision is used for holiday, travel and other purposes. How do I apply for a taxi driver licence? On 3 March 2021, Government announced the introduction of grant support for non-essential retail, hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses in England.