It does take lovely photos however and I dont mind using I most of the time but. Here is a quickreview and comparison for the Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 rangefinder cameras. In this buying guide weve rounded up all the current interchangeable lens cameras costing around $2000 and recommended the best. Thankfully with the M10 they've returned to the old system. A M262 is a friendly camera. The top plate of the M262 feels slightly more hollow than the M240 not it a way that you can feel it, but you can sort of hear it if you tap it, and even sometimes when the strap rattles on it. As I mentioned in my recent post about the M240, the stripped-back interface was exactly reason . They were taken about a minute apart as I only had one tripod and needed to put the . But nope, they included a hardly useful flourish, that as you say, looks like it was thought up but a marketing department. They also give the image sensor a better probability in identifying the right area of the scene to focus on in more automatic modes. In short, getting two cameras- a classic and a modern type, solves the damnable inadequacy issue that arises in all of us when you own just one type. Aluminium body makes is nice and light. After more than a month of use it is apparent the M 262 Image quality is better than that of the M-240 (which i have used since it became available). However, the megapixel count is not the only important element determining the quality of an image. I just bought a M262.Its my 3rd Leica M (after a M6 and a M240) and each time I come back to a M, its a delight. The controls are easy to change while the camera is at your eye. Since receiving a closer focusing lens though Ive noticed that actually the M10 rangefinder goes down to about 0.58m and the M262 goes to about 0.65m. Shedding some light on the sources of noise, Our favorite gear, rewarded: DPReview Awards 2022, Leica adds 12-bit Cinema 4K Raw video output, improved AF features and more to its SL2-S, A closer look at the Leica M11 (photo gallery), OM System M. Zuiko 90mm F3.5 Macro Sample Gallery, Fujifilm X-T5 production sample gallery (DPReview TV), DPReview TV: Canon RF 16mm F2.8 STM Review, DPReview TV: Sony 50mm F1.4 GM vs Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN Art, The best cameras for family and friends photos in 2022, Best affordable cameras for sports and action in 2022. You and Roger Hicks. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I have a Fuji X100f and stripped down the OVF/EVF data and shoot in manual with manual focus only to give it a M2 feel. : very useful. Thirty days, a new sensor, a new shutter mechanism, and a couple other tweaks and the camera was better than new. 20% better video recording quality (main camera), Has continuous autofocus when recording movies, has continuous autofocus when recording movies. My first experience discovering I like live-view on a rangefinder was had down the pub quite soon after Id bought the Leica M240. Now, I should just say at this point that when I first got my Leica M262 I found the exact opposite. Loomis77December 27, 2020 in Leica M (Type 240 / 262). No one ever uses video functionality of the240 anyways. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It depends on your needs. Of course they can, but you have them. Hello Hamish,Great writeup. The device is protected with extra seals to prevent failures caused by dust, raindrops, and water splashes. Which is the better buy? Your link has been automatically embedded. These were features I wanted to explore whilst I had this camera though I really had very low expectations that they would do much for me. Sometimes, colours from M262 can be a bit more saturated than from M240, but as I use them only in recording DNG, post work can do what I want. The resulting image will have less quality than when staying within the native ISO range, but it can be useful in certain situations. It leaves me with no desire whatsoever to upgrade at all and will be my sole digital camera for hopefully many years to come., [] a moment to reflect on this previous style of photography of mine. A stereo microphone allows to record audio files or movies in stereo without an external microphone. Basically, Im sold on live-view these days but, despite this fact, I didnt think it would appeal to me on a Leica. The model omits the Typ 240's live view and video capabilities, and has a much simpler menu structure and one-button access to . It was that feeling that having less kit would do me good This became the excuse I needed to change up to the M10. This might sound like a small criticism, and Im sure many wouldnt even notice or care, but actually it goes back to what I was saying earlier about familiarity. I guess that how much I miss the live-view will define how soon, if at all, I start saving my pennies for a swap. Most of the digital M bodies are going to offer a satisfactory experience for the average first time Leica user. I cant keep it my business partner has vetoed that idea. That alone justifies the decision to buy. great output, but cant get a shot off faster than with the M8. There are two things to be separated here. It was designed and released after the M240 to offer an option to photographers who didnt need the bells and whistles the M240 had to offer. Pasted as rich text. With regards to minimizing my digital camera gear, my thinking was simple. Privacy policy. We've combed through the options and selected our two favorite cameras in this class. The M Typ 240 can record in Full HD at 24, 25 or 30fps. Weight savings from the M10 may be there, but with a Thumbs Up in the hot shoe, the M240 feels good and substantial in the hand.ISO setting. Ultimately I hope that the dial on the M10 will give me a greater sense of being in control and connected to the ISO settings Im using. You can post now and register later. This can be used to capture moving objects using a fast shutter speed, or to take images in low light without using a flash. Any help you learned people would be able to give me as to M240 vs M262 and a good lenswould be invaluable and very much appreciated. One has a brightline window, the other does not. But, when my M262 needed to go to German camera hospital for what I guessed might be a significant amount of time (as is often the case), I figured I had little to loose trying out an M240 for a few weeks/months. I appreciate your thoughts on the 262 v the 240 as I am thinking about setting an MD body. Thanks. Ive got a 262 and I really like the fact that its completely stripped back to just the basics. The image on the back screen of the Leica M240 is very cool toned and unsaturated. I was once very happy with my M9. Weight is certainly a thing though! Image quality will be essentially the same. Thank you @Jeff Sfor this and also your sage comments re not having to use video and not having to use LV on the M240. Using it in this factory, a space where I needed to be aware of the timing of things that were happening around me, it just clicked for me. Well worth seeking out. Im not trying to justify myself I certainly wouldnt to trolls the point is simply that I spend my money on something I enjoy. Thorsten Overgaard recently posted two comparative X-Rite colorchecker images that show the colour differences between the 262 and 240 which sold me on the 262. One is not better or worse than the other, they are just different. I currently own a 262. Epson RD1 style I loved my RD1! Of course, Id skipped the M240 and gone from M9 to M262 though surprisingly, the menu system of the M262 is even more stripped back than that of the M9. I did find a custom LR preset that helps a lot, but it would be nice to have natural skin tones straight from the camera. what a great text, and great pictures, thank you! I just dont shoot it at that high ISO for it to be a problem, and often wonder what on earth people are doing with their cameras to need the sorts of high ISOs that get spoken about it reviews. Help us by suggesting a value. I dont have and 6-bit coded lenses, or really bother with the coding, so just tend to set the minimum speed to 1/60th. I have purchased an M262 and, given my budget, a Voigtlander Ultron 35mm (which I have read is actually a really good lens). The 262 probably has a more stable power management, resulting in less banding and thus better high ISO performance. Of course it didnt. I have used many rangefinders, a Leica M8, M9 (and its variants M-E/M9P/MM), M262, M240P and of course most recently the M-D 262. And given the choice between keeping the M262 and the M240, despite what the Leica M240 brings to the table, it doesnt win out over M262. Edward - you are right about the blues and reds. Every other brand talks about new improved this, and added or increased that. This thing has live-view, and video. I drive a 15 year old car for example, dont buy clothes often, have one pair of shoes, etc. The number of megapixels determines the resolution of the images captured with the main camera. There is still some faint banding, but a huge improvement over the M240. There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and youll never see an advert again! Also for helping critical focus wide open at close distance. I remember when live-view first started appearing on interchangeable lens digital cameras. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Leica M [typ 262], or M262 for short offers what's best described as a stripped-back user interface. And so I had to do a paradoxical thing. Other new features include an expanded ISO range of 100 to 50000, 16 minute maximum exposure time, dynamic range equivalent of 13.5 stops, an on-screen level gauge, and super quiet . The body is pretty well weather sealed. M-D, M-P, M240 and M262 photos. I took the M240 because it offeres live view. It was the third major iteration of colour digital Leica M rangefinder, and the first to use a CMOS type sensor. It offered a more stripped back feature set than the M240, but it does still have live view. Of course with these features comes a fairly significant increase in menu options too, though I must admit, I was surprised how simple the menu remains given the extra features on offer. What's the best camera for shooting sports and action? Nice review.I bought a m262 this year when one of my pensions surprisingly came out.I wanted1] a digital leica m2] no video3] no live view4] no EVFBut i like to sometimes review a pic when i am out and about.The 262 is perfect for me and i love it.with the m-e 240 being announced i have noticed that used 262 cameras have already dropped in price so its possible i can buy a dream 2nd body.Meaning another 262. Leica m240 sony a7sii . Very nice work. Verified purchase: Yes | Condition . If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The sensor is not the same, by the way. I also dont shoot flash and I dont bracket, so really the only part of the set-menu thats of use to me is the ISO settings, and the ISO settings have their own dedicated button. I drive a 15 year old car for example, dont buy clothes often, have one pair of shoes, etc. Why torture yourself? TheLeica M (Typ 262) has a pared-down feature set, an extra quiet shutter unit and a lower price than theM Typ 240. Anyone have both that could provide a side by side? Water-resistant devices can resist the penetration of water, such as powerful water jets, but not being submerged into water. Seems I do once again. ), and Im now looking to part with the Leica M240 and put the money back into my business (where I borrowed it from). On 12/27/2020 at 11:24 AM, a.noctilux said: On 12/27/2020 at 12:24 PM, a.noctilux said: Survey: Third-party Lenses for Leica M-Mount , Umfrage: Dritthersteller Objektive fr Leica M-Mount , I have gotten perfectly good images with the M-240 at ISO 2000 and at 3200 the images are still manageable with a small amount of noise reduction in LR. In fact, apart from INFO button/screen which reports battery and SD card information, and the play and delete buttons, the ISO button and the menu it brings up is really the only part of the screen-based interface I use. The sensor is still not what I would consider great (or even competitive) in regards to dynamic range and high ISO quality, perhaps I was just spoiled by the incredible capabilities of the Nikon Df. More about being to see the settings at a glance, rather than just be able to change them easily. Personally, I tire of the constant whining about Leica prices. I completely agree about the thumb rest, adds more (in a bad way) than removing the screen takes away, in my opinion. The device is dustproof and water-resistant. I love the M240, didn't feel to switch to the M10. People get all gnarled up about refresh rates and such, but the M240s EVF is fine for its limited uses.Focus Peaking. A higher screen resolution provides a sharper image, making it easier to review your photos. A timelapse shows a long passage of time sped up. Above $2500 cameras tend to become increasingly specialized, making it difficult to select a 'best' option. The M240 shot..more DR it seems. In one of his editorial pieces in Amateur Photographer he applauds this philosophy. My biggest issue in day-to-day use was the control over the ISO, which I find leaves me a little disconnected from what setting Im using. More microphones result in better sound quality and enable the device to filter out background noise. What is the highest ISO you are comfortable with the 240/262?I find the focus peaking on my M10 better than the Sonys Ive used. In fact, there was a time when I swore I didnt need anything more. To make pictures, those are good bodies to be used with good lens. If not, get the 262. Waiting for the fishy in the little dishy by Gil Aegerter, Lava Lizard on Marine Iguana by ZimmWisdom. To begin with, I tried put the idea to the back of my mind, then one day I opened the cupboard a saw my Monochrom sat there looking underused. We were perfectly happy in the film days when KODAK or FUJI(film) updated our sensor with a new emulsion. The better screen, slightly improved interface and even fairly small things like the artificially lit frame lines introduced in the M240 made the the camera feel more mature. A larger sensor will capture more light, which results in improved low-light performance, dynamic range, and general image quality. Even when recording scenes with a lot of fast movements, the videos are sharp and clear. Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience-, Leica M8 A Year with an Ageing Digital Rangefinder By Rui Hu, Panasonic GM1 Review: A Digital ILC Alternative to the Olympus XA2? Versus uses cookies to improve your experience on the site. Reduction of features is something no other brand of cameras shouts about, ever. To set it, you simply half press the shutter then jog the thumb dial. The Leica M10-R rangefinder camera has a newly developed 40 megapixel sensor that represents a big increase from the 24 megapixels of the previous M10 model. More battery power can be an indication of longer battery life. I use the 1.4 magnifier with my old 90mm tele-elmarit and an external viewfinder with my voigtlander 21mm f1.4 both work just fine for me. To a degree, I can see their point too. There is a slight sense that this camera isnt a major model it feels a tiny bit like theres a few too many buttons, and that the body of the camera is a little hollow, but in practice these things go unnoticed. The big round dial on the back of the M9 was always tricky to use. The firmware adds 6-bit code support and correction profiles for new lenses . That, in my opinion, is the Leica M 240's motto. To be fair, about 30 days of the last six months had the Leica in intensive care at Leica New Jersey so this is technically five months with the M262. This might be the better screen, or it might be residual live-view-denial telling me that the more simple M262 is a better camera for me. Upload or insert images from URL. To each his own, indeed!Ive never seen one in real life mad to think Ive ordered a camera of that value without handling it. Itd be a waste of time when you can go and find other reviews that no doubt do high ISO comparisons with other brands of cameras etc. M240 v. M246 v. M262 v. Monochrom 246. I bought it as temporary replacement camera after my M262 had to pay a little trip to Germany for some repair work. I have one for the M240 and dont use it that much but at times it helps with critical focus. Its marquee features are omissions rather than additions: the M-D doesn't . I have not seen that anywhere in the promotional material. That said, even in the short time Ive owned a Leica M240, its confused me with what seems like an obvious short coming, changed my mind about one feature that I had written of as pretty much useless to me, proved that another one of its highlight features is indeed something I have no interest in, and perhaps unfortunately (since I cant afford one) left me with big a chunk of Leica M10 GAS. Great review as always, I look forward to the M10 review I think the slimmer body size alone is a reason to upgrade, feel like a proper M body. I would still rather have the m10 over all the others though, but I definitely see you point. The image quality of the Leica M240 is outstanding. Find a comparison between different fujifilm x30 vs x100t. Adjusting colours always feels like a headache, but is one Ive broadly avoided with this camera. Why poor white balance, plus bad color in JPEG files, for Q2 camera? Anyway, Im firmly off topic at this point, but almost two years on and I have no gripes at all with the M10. The bigger the screen size is, the better the user experience. With some apprehension, I took the memory card out of the camera and put it into the computer. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor. Yes, it adds a Wi-Fi connectivity, which is something completely new in my workflow, but the overall experience is so much simpler. And thats pushing it. The Leica M (Typ 262) has a pared-down feature set, an extra quiet shutter unit and a lower price than the M Typ 240. With ACR, my standard daylight setting for the M240 is 5300/10, while with the M262, it is 5000/0, both with embedded profile. I pressed the shutter button to take a photo and was fairly disappointed to see that the image the live-view screen had showed me was now captured as a photo. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Having said that, I think the M262 could be a perfect digital rangefinder camera for those looking for a minimal film-camera like digital Leica experience and not needing live view or other features. Ill have to dig out an online manual , I got an 262 you have to press SET after choosing- only with 3 button possiblewith latest software (2021). Controls feel well balanced and satisfyingly precise. To seethedifference between Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 cameras we have put together Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 specs comparison tablebelow. One review even suggested that the M10 should be called the M11, with the M240 rightfully being the M10. The wider width of the M240 has never bothered me but the new M10 does look good a little slimmed down. Even though this image set was only intentionally overexposed by a single stop in direct sunlight, the highlights from the image samples taken by the Leica M246 and the Leica M Monochrom were blown and unrecoverable in post processing. Ive turned off the automatic image review and hardly ever needto go through the menu - and for the few times that I do so I appreciate the very simple menu structure so its easy to find what Im after. I am very pleased to be in a forum withso many helpful people. With the ISO being menu driven, its also very possible to accidentally leave it on a too-high setting. I shoot with 35mm and 50mm lenses. Thanks, James. But even this hasnt really bothered me too much it might be a little clumsy what with the need to press 3 buttons when you want to change ISO, but the way the auto ISO works pretty much makes up for it. I'm not sure if it's ok to show a snapshot of the LFI article. "MM-P""" Leica M Typ240MM-P Typ240 It's slightly lighter than the 240 and I have no use for video nor live view in a Leica. I find it very quick. Thanks a lot for all your helpful comments. I use along the two M240/262/etc. Im not loaded, but I do focus almost all my disposable income on this. I didnt have the energy to get into the subtleties of all that here though, LV is useful even if the screen does not move. Having run the gamut of all the Ms, Ive settled on these two as my main M system and I suggest to others who cant shake the M bug to do something similar. For system cameras, having a focus motor in the camera's body allows you to use a wide range of lenses, including lenses which do not have their own focus motor. Ha!Have you ever read my Fuji X100f review I think you might enjoy it. M9 is magic, even SOOC jpgs. Both are great cameras and either would be fine. This is an inspiring and generous website. At 0.68 magnification itll be hard to push to 75mm without a magnifier eyepiece x1.25 or x1.4. A raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor. I think everyone gave great suggestions, I went with a new 262, love the shutter and simplicity compared to the 240. I remember having an unexpected opportunity to fondle the M10, when it was first promoted, when a Leica rep. happened to visit my favorite camera shop. The focus motor moves the lens in order to autofocus. BTW the battery life of a charge is awesome. Ultra-niche appeal. Its based on the body of the M240, but as Ive said, when it was released it was pitched as a more affordable stripped-back camera with less features. As @Jeff Skindly pointed out (when I asked about the M262), this might be a better place to seek views and opinions on this model. Display as a link instead, I am including these 2 images taken from the same spot focusing on the same scene. I cant. Sadly, that is the way of digital cameras my friend, a never-ending hamster wheel of upgrades. I dont need to get excited by them dont get me wrong, theres fun in a camera that provides some sort of novelty initially, but longer-term I just need my cameras to work in a way that suits me. That said, M10 GAS is real. This is particularly useful on long shoots when you need more space. Resolution is an essential indicator of a screen's image quality, representing the maximum amount of pixels that can be shown on the screen. If you half press the shutter to leave the menu without pressing SET the ISO remains what it was set to before. I wish I could afford him moreI often find myself agreeing with him too. The M240 is a bit slow on the uptake, but I generally leave the camera on while on photo walks so not a real issue.Lock-ups. And if you are not interested in movies or EVF, as a.Noctilux said, you can ignore them. That breaks the rules by my measure, unfortunately . The type of viewfinder that the camera has. Something about the idea that it had all these weird and wonderful features made me expect a camera that felt different. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. Congratulations on your decision. . The Leica M10 's physical controls are logical, simple, and offer the right amount of resistance. Flip-out screens can be useful for tricky shots. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Fast continuous shooting is useful for catching action shots. It has two memory card slots, allowing you to store more photos without switching cards. Clear editor. I upgraded to the M240 from an M9, had it for 3 months and went back to an M9. But the M9 for me has so many characteristics, beyond specs, iso performance or touchscreen blah blah blah. That said, I do miss the live view feature. It tells you : take your time, have fun with the manual focus, enjoy the concepts small is beautiful and less is more, listen to the music made by the shutter, look how discret you are when shooting and readily agreed, leave the arm race to the geek and feel free to take pictures your way.Shooting with the M262 is as simple and as pleasant as a walk in the forest in summer. The camera is nearly forgotten in the Leica world. . Then out of curiosity, I've bough at fair price ( sh price dropped when M10 came, I couldn't resist) former digital Ms (M240, M-D, M246). A device's overall image quality score considers: color depth, dynamic range and low light performance. Yet all the buttons on it and the LCD still have me pining for Leicas. JPG Settings can be on the user assignable first screen and from that quickly turn on/off Monochrome. An indicator shows you when the device has low battery. You mirror my sentiments about the camera to a t! Leica has used the button space on the rear of the camera that is used for live view in the Typ 240 to . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. With ACR, my standard daylight setting for the M240 is 5300/10, while with the M262, it is 5000/0, both with embedded profile. I remember initially thinking that the colours coming out of the M10 files seemed thin when compared to those of the M240 and the photos in your review of the M262 have reminded me of that. Of course there will be technological advances and all kinds of new features. Completely agree I really thought thats what they were going to do. The M240 is a great camera that produces gorgeous images but you are undoubtedly going to love the M10. Read full post here: I didn't do any critical tests, but I feel the M262 may have around one stop advantage at high iso. But even then, its not close to other modern cameras. For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. Leica M262 - "A Leica M240 in a Leica M9 body" The Leica M 262 that Leica Camera AG surprisingly introduced November 2015 is basically a Leica M 240 in a Leica M9 body. Using the right SD card is key here. As such, it felt like itd be the perfect camera for me. Can you compare side by side, please? Leaving aside the video recording, the main difference is the simplified menu of the 262 v the live view of the 240. - and the M240 in color. I love the colors from the sensor as a whole, but one thing I dont like is rendering of skin tones. Everything is very tactile. Keep up the good words! I missed his musings in AP. The LEICA M typ 240 offers a much quieter shutter than the M9, as well as LEICA's first option for an external electronic viewfinder (EVF), the . And thats pushing it. I would have thought that the overall condition of the camera is more important and would suggest that in the long run the choice of lens will make more difference to the pictures and enjoyment you can get out of it. The Digital Leica M Samples Gallery (Any digital M from M8 to M-D 262) Below are all images taken with a digital Leica M from the 240 to the m_P to the M-D, the latest and greatest M Rangefinders from Leica Camera.